How What You Wear Affects Your Workout
A positive mindset is everything, but having one is easier said than done right now. Stress and anxiety is at an all-time high and we know it takes a little extra to stay motivated.
Our science-backed FASTer Way to Fat Loss program that is proven to burn fat and build lean muscle, but we also know that a positive mindset makes a huge difference! Don’t the positive people around you make you want to push yourself more?
These are crazy times and it can be hard to do it all yourself during quarantine. We’ve touched on this subject and provided tips to handle anxiety and stress positively, but with so many people still at home, self-image feels like less and less a priority.
Let’s be honest, social distancing has really limited our wardrobes. Most people have narrowed their daily outfits to pajamas and more pajamas. Wasn’t there something about getting dressed to go to the gym or get on your bike?
It can be hard to change out of those jammies after the breakfast routine when you are working from home and taking care of the kiddos. Before you know, it’s 2:30 and it’s tempting to squeeze your workout in with whatever you have on.
Does what we wear on the outside affect our attitudes on the inside?
Short answer, yeah. What we wear DOES impact our performance. That’s where the phrase “dress for success” comes in. A Journal of Experimental Social Psychology study (1) discusses how your clothes can influence your attitude for the day. Think about it, when you went to the gym in your stretchy pants and cute graphic tee, didn’t you feel like you were going to crush your workout?
"When you put on new fitness gear, you begin to get into character like an actor putting on a costume for a performance," Dr. Jonathan Fader, New York Mets sports psychologist, said. "As a result, you expect to have a better performance, making you more mentally prepared for the task."
When you wear your exercise outfit, you create a superhero character capable of tackling any workout. You create a space in your mind designated for you and your goals. Not to mention how much more comfortable you are than in your baggy cotton tee you’ve been wearing for two days.
Wearing the right gear for your workout also has physical benefits too. Think about it. You wouldn’t wear your raggy tennis shoes on a mountain hike. We have access to so much custom gear made for niche activities because they are engineered to prevent strain, overheating or fatigue. Cotton, for instance, retains moisture and leaves you feeling heavy and icky. Halfway through the routine, you’ll feel fatigued and that memory will stay with you next time you think about doing a virtual workout. Wearing appropriate gear gives you more flexibility, range of motion and comfort.
You don’t have to spend a ton to get performance gear that puts you in the zone. Our FASTer Way Shop is filled with curated items specifically designed for our program with discounts for new and VIP members. We have NEW black tank tops that will show off your tone during our new bonus VIP Challenges. The racerback design and sweat-wicking fabric keeps you cool and comfortable no matter how hard you hit your HIIT. We also spread positivity with our Progress Over Perfection V-neck shirts.
If you’re gearing up for our awesome new VIP Member challenges, you’ll LOVE the way you feel in gear suited for fun little exercise twists.
We want you all to look good, feel good and be well!
FASTer Way Black Tank Top
FASTer Way Hat