Summer Fun and Fitness: Stay On Track During Vacation

Maintain Your Wellness During Summer Vacation

Summer is right around the corner, and we know what that means — vacations, beach trips, family gatherings, and a whole lot of fun.

But amidst all the excitement, it's easy to lose sight of our fitness and wellness goals.

What if there was a way to have it all? Fun, fitness, and much-needed vacation time all wrapped up in one awesome package?

We bring you our 5-Day Summer Slimdown so you can finally kick back and relax WITHOUT feeling guilty.

Keep reading to learn more about this life-changing program, as well as other tips and tricks to ensure you can maintain your wellness while having your summer fun too!

Balance Is Key

The first rule of maintaining wellness during summer vacation is balance. While it's important to relax and indulge a bit, it's equally important to keep your health in mind. Aim for nutritious meals most of the time, but don't feel guilty about enjoying that ice cream cone or barbeque burger. The FASTer Way's lifestyle isn't about restrictions; it's about balance and sustainability! 

If you go all or nothing, never allowing yourself to have even a single piece of chocolate ever again, you're more likely to fall off the wellness wagon and hinder or altogether stop your chances of fitness success in the future. However, when you embrace balance, not only does it make your wellness easier to maintain, but it makes it more enjoyable as well! At the FASTer Way we don’t do “cheat days”, instead we do “treat days” and pair them with intense leg day workouts so you can put those extra calories to good use.

Stay Active, Stay Fit

Vacations don't have to mean sitting idle. Make your summer fun and fitness go hand in hand by choosing activities that get your heart rate up. Beach volleyball, swimming, hiking, or even a morning jog in a new city can make fitness fun! At the FASTer Way, not only are our guided workouts available at the click of a button through our exclusive app, but they only require 30-minutes of your day. So before you take a dip in the pool,  take a quick 30-minutes to remain proactive about your health! Your relaxing poolside time will feel all the better!

The FASTer Way on the Go

Remember, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is designed to fit into your lifestyle, even when you're on the go! Whether you're on a beach or in a hotel room, our workouts can be done anywhere. And, our coaches are always here to help you stay accountable, even on vacation. You can even reach out to them or to our supportive online community anytime! No matter where you are, the FASTer Way will be there for you!

Mindful Eating

Eating out while on vacation can be one of life's great pleasures, but it doesn't have to derail your nutrition goals. Choose wisely, prioritize whole foods, and most importantly, enjoy your meals without guilt. Remember, the FASTer Way's approach is about fueling your body, not restricting it. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t eat deliciously! Leveraging Intermittent Fasting while on vacation can be a gamechanger, too!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydration is even more critical during the hot summer months. Keep a water bottle handy at all times and try to consume half of your body weight in ounces each day. This simple step can go a long way in keeping you energized and feeling great all summer long.

Summer Fun and Fitness The FASTer Way!

Missed a workout? Indulged a bit too much? That's perfectly okay! 

One of the best things about the FASTer Way is its flexibility, especially when on vacation. Don't beat yourself up; just get back on track the next day. Remember, wellness is a journey, not a destination.

With our program, staying fit while enjoying your summer vacation is entirely possible using the right mindset and the right strategies. This season, let's embrace the flexibility and joy that comes with the FASTer Way lifestyle.

Join us for the FASTer Way's 5-Day Summer Slimdown starting June 19! You'll get a step-by-step plan via our exclusive app, ongoing support in our community group, and all the tools you need to stay on track while enjoying your summer vacation.

Your summer fun and fitness are just a click away!