Thank you for registering for the FASTer Way Prenatal program! Please tell us more about you! In order to help you meet your unique, individual goals, it is essential that your coach has the information below as complete as possible to generate your custom macronutrient goals.
Please complete this form at your earliest convenience and then be sure to read what to expect next below
Here is a quick checklist to get you started:
1. If you are a new client*, your program assets are available in the FASTer Way app in the Curriculum section! You may download the app via the links below.
Download here for iOS (Apple App Store) and Android (Google Play Store). To log into the app, use the email you just used to register for this program. You can access our desktop version of the app by visiting using the same login information as the app. Be sure to bookmark the site in your browser!
*VIP clients, please check your welcome email to learn how to access materials in the VIP Membership app!
You can also download the entire FASTer Way Meal Guide under the “Nutrition” tab and get started with these delicious meals right away!
2. While this program is self-paced, your FASTer Way Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness and Nutrition certified coach is available to guide you through this process. She’ll answer any questions you may have, cheer you on, and celebrate milestones with you!
We’re thrilled to join you on this journey so you can thrive through pregnancy and give baby the best possible start to life.
Amanda and the FASTer Way Team
P.S. Have questions? Text our Client Success Team at 727-677-9003!