The Do's and Don'ts Of Intermittent Fasting Video!

Today we’ll be talking about a hot topic as of late. It's time to find out the facts about intermittent fasting! 

The Do's and Don'ts Of Intermittent Fasting Video!

One of the most common questions I receive is if this protocol it’s safe for women or will it negatively impact female hormones…

The answer to this is not simple. 

If done incorrectly or without the guidance of a professional, yes it can absolutely negatively impact your hormones as a woman. However, when done correctly and with proper guidance, as within our program, it has the opposite effect and will improve your hormone profile exponentially! This makes all the difference. 

Keep reading to learn the benefits and common mistakes people make when undergoing Intermittent Fasting!

This is such an important topic to address that recently I went live to discuss this in full. Watch the video and check out the highlights below, too!

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

As mentioned previously, one of the most outstanding benefits of intermittent fasting, when implemented safely and effectively, is an improved hormone profile.

Take me and my personal story for example. In the Spring of 2010, I was told by my doctor that based on some abnormalities, a metabolic disorder, and my PCOS, it would be nearly impossible for me to conceive naturally. At the time I was also dealing with insulin resistance, was already on blood pressure medication, and was on fertility medication to get pregnant with my first two children. Then I developed the FASTer Way. Not only did intermittent fasting help with insulin sensitivity, but it allowed me to conceive my other three children naturally by fixing my broken hormones.

Intermittent fasting also helps with the maintenance of skeletal muscle mass. It’s important to know that fat loss and lean muscle build are all about insulin response and lowered blood glucose levels. In my late 30s, I was able to develop lean muscle mass and decrease my blood glucose levels with the help of intermittent fasting.

You’ll also receive a boost to your immune system when you implement this strategy properly. Keep in mind, your body is constantly either digesting food or healing and protecting itself. I live with 5 kids, so someone is always sick, and battling that can be difficult. However, with intermittent fasting I found myself and my body staying healthier for longer. I was able to effectively fight off all those germs that were constantly surrounding me.

Another major benefit of intermittent fasting is increased norepinephrine and epinephrine levels. These are neurotransmitters that act as hormones. They work to promote an effective central nervous system, meaning they help your blood to pump faster from your heart and throughout other parts of your body. Consequently, participating in intermittent fasting helps promote the breakdown of fat, improved mental clarity, and increased energy levels throughout your day.

Common Mistakes 

One of the most common mistakes I hear when it comes to intermittent fasting is people undereating while simultaneously going through the process. This is the worst thing you can do for your body and wellness goals! It actually ends up damaging your metabolism and your hormones, effectively being counterintuitive to what you're trying to achieve. 

Our goal is to optimize your metabolism so you can eat as much as possible, while also working out almost the minimum amount required. It's all about what macros you consume. Intaking the right amount of nutrients to maximize energy levels and fuel your fitness properly.

In addition, many go to extremes when undergoing intermittent fasting without guidance. More is not more when it comes to this process. Meaning if you're on the 16:8 protocol, find it’s working, and then jump to the 24 protocol (20-hour fast, 4-hour eating window), you may end up going backward in your journey. Though men might be able to get away with this, women have many more hormones and other components involved in fat loss. A total of 17 different hormones in fact. Consequently, 16:8 is the most recommended protocol and what we implement in the FASTer Way. This is especially true for women trying to conceive.

The third most common mistake I see when it comes to intermittent fasting is participants not dealing with underlying issues. For instance, approximately 30% of our clients come in with some sort of suboptimal thyroid function. This is usually in the form of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease. If you have issues such as these, the 16:8 protocol may not be the best for you. 

Main Takeaway

Intermittent fasting has a plethora of benefits when implemented safely. That means having the right protocol paired with the right amount of food. If done properly, you’ll be empowered to eat more than you have in decades, while simultaneously burning fat and building lean muscle like never before. This is different from what the diet industry tells you. I promise they’re lying and providing you with all the wrong advice. At the FASTer Way, we’re bringing integrity back to nutrition and fitness!

Join our next round here to implement this wildly effective strategy the right way!

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