Cardio To Burn Fat For Life

You’re a busy, hectic, working mom trying to get that big promotion at work and cardio training is the last thing on your mind. 

Cardio To Burn Fat For Life

You’ve put so much of your energy into your job that your family isn’t as close as it once was. There are no more game nights and you don’t know the name of your child's new favorite superhero.

This happens when we want something so adamantly to the point of tunnel vision. In other words, we want it so badly that we put all our energy into getting it. This can have a domino effect and make other pieces in our life begin to falter.

The concept of balance applies to fat loss and getting healthy as much as it does in life. For instance, you hate your pesky belly fat so you do 1000 crunches a day but never lift a single weight. This will only give you so much success and only in one aspect of fat loss instead of bringing your whole body to a new level of health and fitness. In life we all need balance and FASTer Way is here to give it to you in the form of different cardio training to disperse in your daily, weekly, or monthly workout plans. 

Exercises For Cardio and Balanced Health

When taking on your fat loss journey, there are two main types of exercise to include: aerobic and anaerobic. We implement both types of training in the FASTer Way for maximum results and health benefits! They each play a role in developing strength and stamina, creating a lean body composition, and improving overall health.

Anaerobic Exercise

During anaerobic exercises, your body breaks down simple sugars for brief but powerful energy. The duration of your anaerobic exercise depends on intensity and how long you choose to do it. Most anaerobic sessions last for 10 minutes to 30 minutes, but this is entirely up to you! The harder you work or push yourself, the quicker your body uses up released energy and the shorter it will last.

Different types of anaerobic exercises include:

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • Heavy weight lifting

  • Sprints

When you create this high energy demand in your body it will start breaking down those sugars and consequently burn fat like crazy! It’s also endurance-building so your ability to do exercises for longer increases through the heightened tolerance and elimination of lactic acid, the element that makes your muscles tired. Additionally, anaerobic exercises help burn away excess fat, increase bone strength and density, boosts your metabolism, and more.

Each week we provide a laid out plan (and corresponding video workouts) for all levels that include the exact type and amount of to do. This is usually in the form of weight lifting, plyometric exercises, and sprint activities to prioritize a more effective metabolism and lean muscle mass. The more powerful your body’s internal mechanisms, like your metabolism, work the faster you will see success on your fat loss journey.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic means “with oxygen,” or producing energy through cardio exercises by burning carbs and fat with the presence of oxygen. Generally, it’s produced slowly but in large amounts during continuous repetitive motion. Picture an exercise you can sustain for 20 minutes to 1 hour, such as walking, jogging, or running, without burning yourself out within the first 10 minutes. During these exercises your heart rate should only experience a moderate increase. 

Types of aerobic exercise include:

  • Running 

  • Swimming

  • Cycling

  • Walking 

  • Rowing 

  • Cardio machines (stair climber, stationary bike, rower, elliptical)

  • Cardio classes (Zumba, Jazzercise, etc.)

The benefits of aerobic exercise include endorphin release, the happy chemical in your brain, improved blood flow, increased heart and lung health, and more! In other words, no matter what stress life may be throwing at you, aerobic exercises remind you to take a deep breath and smile, all while burning fat at the same time.

Our clients perform these or other types of aerobic exercises each week during light cardio warm-ups, cool-downs, and active recovery. This gives you the steps each week to bolster your immune system, take care of your heart, and improve your overall health the FASTer Way.

Join us for the FASTer Way 5K for a Cause to build your cardio!

Stay tuned for 2023’s FASTer Way 5k! Hosted every year on Thanksgiving morning our 5K is for clients and non-members alike. It comes virtually, meaning you can participate from anywhere, or in-person for those who reside locally.

When you register you receive all the bows and trimmings, including a FASTer Way 5K t-shirt, audio for your runs, and a thorough training plan. This event provides a fun and community-oriented way to support not only your body’s cardio needs (especially as the weather cools), but a great cause. Proceeds from the run will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House organization to help families in medical crisis.

The best part? This “race” doesn’t need to be run! You can walk, jog, or sprint for however long you’d like, and at whatever pace works for you.

So mark your calendars and keep your eye on the horizon for this amazing event - further details are on their way!

In the meantime…

For the best plan to get you in top shape and improve your cardio fitness, join our next FASTer Way new client round! We offer a life-changing program using science-backed methods that are guaranteed to work.

Why wait to start living to your body’s fullest potential?

Learn more and get your journey started here.

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