5 Ways Sugar Is Damaging Your Body
We are focusing on eliminating sugar during Week 2 of our 30-Day VIP Membership Success Challenge. It’s our way of providing step-by-step help in removing the roadblocks to your fitness goals. But we wanted to identify WHY you should cut sugar and the damage it can do to your body.
In a podcast with Dr. Amy Shah, we covered how bad sugar is for your immune system. It drives up insulin and glucose and creates insulin resistance. That means your body will take in sugar less when it truly needs it. Sugar is also the main culprit for Type 2 Diabetes, cancer and more.
That’s not to say ALL sugars are bad. Fruits are just fine if they are part of a healthy diet. But you want to cut out the bad sugars from processed and refined foods like cola. The bottom line: eating lots of bad sugar stresses your body out. Here’s why.
1. STUNTS EATING HABITS AND CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN – This is especially important during the Coronavirus outbreak where many people are at home, off their routine and looking for a quick bite to keep moving. One of the best ways to keep yourself healthy during the pandemic is drinking lots of water, so avoid sugary drinks like sweet tea and cola. All that fructose has been shown to cause leptin resistance, a hormone in your body that tells you to stop eating. You will be more hungry and less able to stop. Drink more water during the day and you’ll have more energy, feel more refreshed and have a more regulated appetite.
2. BELLY FAT IS LINKED TO HEART DISEASE – When you consume a lot of sugary beverages, you are also at risk of increasing visceral fat or belly fat. This kind of weight gain has been linked to diabetes and heart disease. According to a National Institute of Health study in 2014, those who consumed 17-21% of calories from sugar were 38% more likely to die of heart disease.
The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is all about balancing your macros (carbs, fat and protein) along with rest. It has proven to be an effective way to get rid of that belly fat and get you into shape.
3. IT CAUSES YOUR FACE TO BREAK OUT – Why is it that rural communities, which tend to have more whole, natural foods have very low cases of acne compared to urban areas? It’s because consuming processed and high-sugar foods have all kinds of negative consequences because it increases androgen secretion, inflammation, and oils. Your face is the face of too much sugar intake.
4. DEPRESSION AND FATIGUE – This is a big one right now as so many people are losing their jobs or face uncertainty at home. It’s so important to embrace your mental health right now and researchers have stated sugar swings and inflammation can have a big impact. Check out this study. Or this one. The takeaway: if you take in a lot of sugar during the day, you are more likely to suffer from depression.
You can do it! It takes mental strength to push through the day, set a schedule for workouts and adjust to the new norm. It’s totally normal if you are feeling run down right now. That’s completely ok. Many people are going through it too, which is why we’ve updated everyone with what we are doing for our awesome clients.
Need extra motivation? Let our clients speak for themselves. And remember, our FASTer Way community and coaches are always here to support you.
5. LOSS OF ENERGY AND MOTIVATION – We are all being asked to be more proactive in our lives right now. Create our own routines, exercise and eat right. It all begins with energy. High sugar foods spike your blood sugar and insulin quickly. But once the rush is over, it’s crash time. Those erratic swings can drain your body and send it into a blurry state. Instead, seek out carb sources that don’t have much sugar and are high in fiber. Remember, the FASTer Way is all about fulfilling your purpose with ENERGY!
If you’re thinking of joining our VIP membership or know someone who would benefit, pass this article along to help them live the FASTer Way lifestyle! Education is the first step to achieving your weight loss goals and feeling better about yourself. And let’s be honest, we could all use that right now.
Take action in your community and find those who need help and support.