Natural Ways to Stay Healthy During the Coronavirus Epidemic
Prepare, don’t panic. Those are the words everyone is telling you to live by these days.
Of course, there is one little issue: to properly prepare you need to understand what we’re actually facing and what it means for YOU — not just the people in far off countries.
So, in the spirit of preparation, we, at the FASTer Way, are here to offer some insights into how and why you should be protecting yourself and your family as the coronavirus pandemic sweeps through our country. While this truly is an uncertain time, there are some things we can do.
We’re going to look at the coronavirus from two angles:
The numbers
The social norms
We need to use the information we have to make informed decisions - not emotional ones, founded on the fear perpetuated by mainstream media.
Fact: The coronavirus is already here, and it’s growing by the day.
Yes, that sounds ominous and scary, but unfortunately, it’s true.
We’ve all been told that acting early is the number one thing we should be focusing on to reduce the impact — but many of us are unsure of exactly what that means and who we should trust to get this information.
So we’re going to do our best to walk you through answering this all-important question: How and why does acting early actually help?
Luckily (or not so luckily, really), the answer is easy to find. We just have to look at the places where the virus outbreak is already happening.
One of the easiest ways to illustrate how early action can affect the impact of the virus is by looking at mortality rates.
Now, it’s important to note that while the World Health Organization is quoting a mortality rate of 3.5%, that number varies A LOT by location.
So, how do you estimate the end mortality rate in specific areas?
With math, it turns out.
The formula is simple … I promise you can do this! Even if you hate numbers!!!
First, we look at Deaths/Total Cases (which will likely be an underestimate, because lots of open cases can still end in death)
Next, we look at Death/Closed Cases (which will likely be an overestimate, because it’s likely that deaths are closed quicker than recoveries)
Finally, we look at how both evolve over time and make an estimate of what the final fatality rate will be
There are many factors that have an impact on the fatality rate of an area (age distribution, weather, amount of testing, etc.), but so far, the number one factor appears to be preparation.
To explain this, we can compare Hubei (the epicenter of the virus, which was unprepared and slow to react) with the rest of China (where social distancing and other measures were initiated from the very beginning of the outbreak).
The fatality rates for Hubei are between 4.2% and 7.6%, with a convergence of ~4.8%
The fatality rates for the rest of China are between 0.84% and 0.99%, with a convergence of ~0.9%.
In other words, areas that are prepared are able to reduce the number of deaths by a factor of ten... not to mention drastically reduce the number of cases in the first place.
What does “prepared” look like?
On a national level - you will see local governments taking more and more drastic precautionary measures in the next week or two. Shutting down schools, canceling events where large numbers of people will be gathered, and recommending everyone stay inside are a good first step.
Additionally, we’ve heard the White House’s plan to make testing more accessible to those with symptoms. When and how that will take place in your town, I don’t know. When the testing is made available, we will likely see an increase in cases (because the diagnosis will be easier to obtain) before we begin to see a decrease.
Preparing to stay home as much as possible is an important way you can personally contribute to ending the spread of the coronavirus at large.
Fact: humans are motivated by social norms
We like to do what everyone else is doing — good or bad. We’re afraid of overreacting, of looking silly and standing out.
This means that, despite understanding the fact that social distancing WILL reduce the impact of the virus, we still aren't taking action… because no one else is.
SO, we need to create a new social norm, by talking with each other about the actions we’re actually taking.
Here are a few recommendations from our CEO and Founder, Amanda Tress.
Boosting our immune systems by sticking to a diet of whole foods (no donuts invited!). The fact of the matter is, by consuming processed foods and sugars, you’re compromising your immune system. Now more than ever, it is important to fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods that support and strengthen your immune system, not destroy it. If this is something you struggle with, I’ve got good news: the recipes and meal plans we share in the FASTer Way program are designed to help you maintain a healthy immune system.
Following the 16/8 method of intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting helps you fight disease and builds your immune system, by allowing your body to take a break and focus on healing itself. We fully believe in the power of Intermittent Fasting and the research is clear: it works. If you haven’t yet begun to implement 16/8 fasting into your lifestyle, now would be a good time to do so. IF gives your body the digestive rest it needs to boost your immunity. Now more than ever, that is important!
Exercising every single day. Surprise surprise: exercise — even just a walk outside — is SO important for our immune systems. Plus, it helps you get a little vitamin D! You may be wondering how exercising and social distancing can work together. While this might seem counterintuitive, there are options to both get your exercise in AND socially distance yourself. Social distancing doesn’t actually mean you can’t go outside — just that you should reduce contact with other people. So by all means, get outside and take your kids for a walk! Just do your best to avoid close contact with people outside of your immediate family.
Whichever actions you decide to take for yourself and your family, you need to START TODAY. It may feel like an overreaction, but trust us, it’s not. The coronavirus is without a doubt something we should be concerned with. While the government is handling it’s part in this, we need to take control of our own part. Whole foods, supplements, hand washing, staying home with only your immediate family - take the precautions, do your part, and if you need any support, we’d love to have you inside the FASTer Way community. Sign up for our next round, or join us as a VIP if you’ve already gone through a round or two!
In the meantime, we’d love to hear what you are doing to stay healthy! Let us know in the comments below!